On 20th March the Northern hemisphere welcomed the Spring Equinox, otherwise known as the Vernal Equinox, Ostara or the first day of spring, and as we head towards Easter I've been thinking a lot about how the seasons can help us in our daily lives.
For me Spring is a perfect time of year to come out of hibernation and celebrate new awakenings. After cultivating a bit of hygge over Winter I love that first glimpse of sunshine and the summer to come. Spring can help us to reawaken and restore so I've been thinking about a few ways that we can bring that sparkly new-ness of Spring into our daily lives?

1. Spring Clean
The Spring Equinox brings a fresh, cleansing energy to the air. This is the perfect time to spring clean not just your home, but also your mind, your body and your emotions.
Take some time to think about what you are holding onto that you no longer need, both physically and emotionally. What are you hoarding, what are you surrounded by that is old and out-dated, what hasn’t been used in a long time? Have a think about your diet, how can you make better nutritional choices to help you live your healthiest life?
Spring into the new season by letting go of things that you no longer need.
2. Symbolically Start Afresh
You may feel like the year has not quite brought all that you had hoped for. The spring equinox gives you the perfect opportunity to start afresh; the astrological year begins on the equinox when the moon moves into Aries and March was also the first month of the year in the Roman calendar.
Look at all the new awakenings that are going on around you; bulbs bursting into life, new leaves budding on the trees, lambs in the field and let these new beginnings help you make new beginnings of your own.
3. Find some balance

The Spring Equinox is marked by a day and night of equal length, using this as your inspiration take a look at your life and see if you can mirror that balance. For example is your work/life balance right? Do you give yourself as much time and care as you give others? Are your energies directed where they should be?
The Spring equinox offers an excellent opportunity to do a bit of “life laundry” to find the right balance for you.
4. Wake up from hibernation
At this time of year nature is coming out of hibernation and waking up from winter. This is a perfect opportunity for us to do the same. The mornings and evenings are lighter and warmer which is a great chance for us to start to move more, maybe by going for a walk or maybe by embracing a yoga practice.
So, use this time to listen to your body and enjoy the sense of new beginnings. Start to blow off the winter cobwebs, step into the light and burst into life!
I’d love to hear about how you celebrate new awakenings with Spring, please comment below and share your thoughts with me!
Love and light,